Hi readers! Sorry to keep you all waiting. Actually I was out of station so was unable to write. I got a lot of mails because of my absence. I had gone to Mumbai. Anyways so here I am, back with a new post. So today I am going to deal about the care of oily skin.
Oily skin as the name suggests is one in which the oil producing glands are very active. The excess oil causes the pores to become enlarged giving the skin a thick, coarse look. The surface grease attracts the dirt and grime and these are required to be removed daily. Thus cleansing is required.
Due to the excess secretion of oil, skin looks shiny and toneless. The extra large pores give it a thick texture and make the skin prone to blackhead formations & this leads to pimples and acne.
When we start with the proper method of cleansing a few aspects should be kept in mind.
- The surface oil and dirt should be removed.
- The pores must be free of accumulated grease so that the blackheads are discouraged.
- The texture of the skin should improve
All this should be achieved without creating your skin alkaline. The natural acid of the skin should be maintained.
- The skin should be washed with a medicated soap using lukewarm water. (special non alkaline soaps in cream form are available)
- The skin should be rinsed with water. After rinsing a pore cleansing method should be followed.
We will talk about this method in my next post.
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