First of all i would like to thank you ladies for giving a lot of comments on my last post.Its an amazing experience for me that I got so many lovely followers during my short period of blogging. My main goal of blogging has been to give some useful tips of beauty to my readers.Now its you who can tell me how much have i been successful in my aim.
In my last post we are on the skin's basic needs, we were discussing on moisture of skin. Since the skin is constantly exposed to external factors, the loss of moisture takes place all the time. This loss has to be replaced.Exposure to the sun is known to cause excessive damage in terms of dehydration of the skin. Artificial heating and cooling devices also rob the skin of its natural moisture. Even the water that you use to wash your face can make your skin dry.outdoor activities like like swimming sport can cause excessive moisture depletion.
you should follow the daily skin care routine to save your skin from drying up.
Its also very important to choose your skin product with care.
Choose a moisturizer which would really be useful for your skin.
we have a lot of brands, and name of products in the market but are we satisfied with them?
some products give satisfaction for some days but after that they become useless.
i don't want to say that there is no any product which really good for us but we should be very careful regarding this matter.
So ladies, its my request that whenever you get any good product specially moisturizer or sun screen, please share with me and my readers....Thank you.
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