Saturday, August 28, 2010
Into the lions den
What am I referring to? The annual flu shot has arrived at your local pharmacies & clinics. They tell you that they are safe & effective. BUT, are they?
When I was in the local Walgreens this week, I decided to go into the lions den & get the information regarding the flu vaccine. I went to the pharmacist & asked if I could get the pamphlet that came with the flu shot. She tried to give them store info sheet that they give to recipients of the vaccine. I told her I wanted the insert that came with the vial that they are supposed to give to patients when they get the shot. She gave me a questioning look & then went to the refrigerator to get the sheet.
In section 17 of the insert, it says that patients should be informed by their health care provider of risks & benefits of immunizations. When you hear about the risks, you hear about swelling at the injection site, redness & possible fever. Maybe even some dizziness & headaches.
What about the risks of mercury? I'm sure many of you have been led to believe that all mercury has been removed from vaccines. This is NOT true. Many childhood vaccines have trace amounts, even 3 mcg is believed to be a "trace" amount.
The flu shot can contain trace amounts in the pre-filled syringe. But multi-dose vial has 25 mcg of Thimerosal, which is 50% mercury.
According to EPA standards, a person shouldn't be exposed to more than .1 mcg of mercury per kilogram of body weight, approx. 2.2 lbs. This means that a person would have to weigh more than 275 lbs. to get that much mercury in one shot.
I've asked this question to the CDC in Washington, D.C. & the local Dept. of Health WHY they allow this much mercury in shot when its a toxic dose. I have yet to hear from either one of them of this issue.
I read thru the whole insert & highlighted the areas that I believe to be important, especially how much mercury is in the vaccine & how it affects pregnant women, which is unknow.
Here are the links below to parts of the insert.
This vaccine hasn't been tested for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for the impairment of fertility.
WHAT in the world are we doing to ourselves?? The flu shot last year said that is hadn't been tested for fertility impairment either.
We need to stop trusting the CDC, FDA, the Health & Human Services commission & our local Dept. of Health to have our best interests when it comes to our health. We need to do our own homework & get things figured out.
It never ceases to amaze me when I see people line up like sheep, roll up their sleeves & blindly receive the shot without getting all of the facts. I educate as I can. If I see someone looking at allergy or cold medicines, I will ask them if I can suggest something & then lead them over to where the Vit. D3 is in the store & explain to them how it works & how it will do them more good than what they were looking at.
We have a freedom right now to choose our own plan of action when it comes to our health. Lets be pro-active & get ahead of the game before that freedom is taken away from us someday.
Have a GREAT week.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Hey ladies,
Sorry for late posting, I was too busy this week and believe me I didn't get even 1 hour to switch on to blogging. We were doing some shifting and construction work was going on and bla bla bla........
Anyways, thank God that it's all over now.So here I am with a very interesting product. Two days before I went to the market with an intention to do turn up home with some new makeup products. My liquid foundation had almost finished so I went to buy a new one. I asked the sales girl for something new and this is what she gave me.As you all can see that this thing is in the shape of a stick and that is what it is.It's the new Chambor Refreshing Stick Foundation 01 cool maple.

- It is oil free and with SPF 8.
- It is for all skin types.
- Contains Orange Extract, rich Vitamin C and essential oils, with hydrating and anti-oxidant benefits.
- It glides on effortlessly providing versatile coverage and a long lasting natural finish.
- Just dab on.
- Blend with your fingers and then close well.

It does not contain any shine and one will not even need a compact powder over it. It smudges into the skin and the finishing is amazing.

It feels weightless on my skin as if I'm totally without make-up.
You can use it for three years.Of course I'm not gonna use it for so long as it'll surely finish before that or I'll be bored with it. Ha Ha...
COST: Rs 825 for 7g.

This thing is really fabulous and every time I'm gonna buy it (until and unless a new product comes). So ladies try it yourself and tell me about your experience with new Chambor Refreshing Stick foundation....
Sunday, August 22, 2010
First I used Himalaya Night cream for a try but it didn't work as per my needs. I was quite disappointed. Then my friend suggested me to buy Ponds Re-Brightening Night Treatment. I used it that night and the following morning found my skin to have a soft and flawless look.
I was highly impressed by the fact that I only needed a touch of moisture after washing my face. Isn't it awesome?
This is the forth bottle that i am using(I use it almost every night).
WHAT THE COMPANY CLAIMS- Extra nourishing, with new VAO-B3 complex, this revitalizing night cream helps repair daily damage and actively lightens while you sleep.
METHOD-After cleansing your skin, apply and leave overnight. Apply it over your entire face and neck with your fingertips.
- I use only a little amount every day and it smudges into the skin and makes it soft.
- It has got a lovely light fragrance.
- It is not sticky at all.
- Very very light weighted and it seems as if I haven't applied any of it.
- I even love the container in which it comes.
It's cost it Rs 450($9 or 10)- quite convenient. Isn't it?
So ladies try this one and tell me how you had your experience with this cream or any other night cream?????
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How can we remain beautiful and healthy during Ramzan?
Hi beautiful ladies—Happy Ramzan.
I wish you all have a very happy and healthy Ramzan.
Ramzan has begun and definitely you all would have to fast. At first I would like to say some words about this holy month. As you all know that God has made this month very special in many ways. This month brings a lot of challenges before us and we accept do these and in return gain a lot of prosperity & happiness.
I have been getting many mails of my readers in which they have asked many questions . Some of them don’t like to show their name publicly that’s why they have sent me mails.
One of my reader N(take the unknown reader as N who has asked me questions) has kept an important question to which I wanted to reply. The question is- how can one remain beautiful and healthy during Ramzan while keeping fasts?
I want to tell that one can easily remain beautiful and fit during this month. The only thing one to be done is some rules which one must follow.
You shouldn’t be much concerned about your health during this month because the schedule of our fasts is completely capable to take care of our health.
You should consume a healthy diet during your fasts.
During Sehri time( the time at dawn when we eat to feel energetic till evening)—N, you have asked what should be in Sehri- I usually take one glass of milk, a slice of bread with light butter and half cup of tea or coffee.Some times I take some fruits along with milk & some dry fruits with tea. But it will be better if you don’t have tea or coffee. I have to take it to save myself from a terrible headache.
Now during the day—you really have to do nothing expect follow the rules of Ramzan. Help others, think positive, read the Holy Quran and learn it and try to follow it in your real life, offer prayers, and do some deeds which are good for mankind. Believe me; you don’t have to carry out any extra effort to bring glow to your skin. The true happiness which you’ll feel after these activities will bring a natural glow which will be more than any artificial cream or lotion.
What should be in Aftar( evening time when we break our fast)? Lot of fruits, fresh juice, different kinds of fruit dishes, like fruit salad or fruit chat etc, boiled egg and
sometimes chana(gram) dishes, such as sprouted chana chat, boiled chana chat etc.
What shouldn’t be in our Aftar? Oily food, avoid oily dishes completely. The hot pakoras, samosas only contain taste but are not at all healthy.
So try and avoid these oily snacks.
What about dinner—after Aftar you need a healthy and light dinner in which lots of green vegetables are necessary to be included.
After dinner—Follow the same skin care rules as usual. Cleansing, toning, moisturizing. You need to nourish your skin at least once a week.
Do you know my skin looks flawless and glowing; my body is more fit than other days on the day of Eid.
Believe me, after following these rules when you’ll see your face in the mirror on Eid, the glow on your face will arise like a full moon on a clear night.
all pictures are taken from with thanks- 2008
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Anyways today I'm gonna show you about a lovely glossy shade.
Enjoy the review ladies....
This is a color gloss of COLOR BAR SUPER SLIDE and the shade is pink along with a slight tinch of coral in it. I've used this gloss many times and I love it. It contains shine and moisture as most of the glosses have. But the main thing is that its not too creamy and you'll feel quite comfortable in it and its very easy to apply .Its also quite cheap; only Rs 155(at that time when i bought it{around 8-9 months ago})
Unlike other glosses it has to be twisted towards the right and the creamy gloss comes out of the pores as shown above. The number is HUG ME 002 and its net weight is 1.9 ml.
Only one thing which I don't like about this gloss: We have to be very careful while taking it out otherwise extra stuff comes out which gets wasted.
So as you can see that in this photo I've applied this gloss. I can use this on many dresses like orange, pink, sometimes even on light red by mixing it with a light red one.
Hope you also liked this shade. So try it ladies and do give your views about it.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Presenting in Illinois
I will be doing a presentation at the Feast of Tabernacles on Vaccines - Are they for Christians today?
I will be covering the chemicals, heavy metals & other toxins that are in vaccines. What does the bible say about vaccines? (got you thinking?) What are the safe alternatives to vaccines? I'll also have a Q&A session afterwards.
I will be speaking on Wednesday, Sept.29th., from 10:15-11:15, at the Grizzly Bear Resort, Utica, IL in the Joliet Room.
Have a great weekend,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hi friends, horrible weather these days. Didn't see a ray of sunlight since the last two days. It's monsoon going on which is horrible for going out but best to have a hot mug of coffee or tea along with yummy snacks wrapped up in the sheets.
so as I mentioned above that in monsoon one can't enjoy oneself outside due to rains(at least that's the case regarding me). Not only that we face a number of problems like problems of hair.
In monsoon many ladies face hair fall problems, dull hair etc. These days even I'm facing the same problem hair-fall, dull hair. I tried many shampoos to get rid of this dull look of my hair but most of them didn't work.
One day i had gone shopping about a fortnight or so to the nearby departmental store and I caught a glimpse of this shampoo which actually changed the life of my hair. this divine shampoo(as for me) was the new LO'REAL PARIS NUTRI-GLOSS MIRROR SHINE SHAMPOO. There are many of this series regarding the condition of the hair.
So I chose the one for normal to dull hair and trust me it really works. it gives a great pearly shine to my hair. It also provides the hair fibre with nourishment, without weighing hair down.
This pack as you can see is the small size(100ml) as i had taken it for a trial. But now I think this is one of the shampoos one can find suitable for dull hair, in the market. And it's not even expensive-only Rs 72 and I think Rs 175 the bigger one.
Will I buy it again- Yes(during monsoon especially)
Try it and do tell me your experience with the new Lo'real Paris Mirror-Shine shampoo.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
At last weekend has arrived and I am totally relaxed today. A busy week has passed away coming along with a new one, new works, new activities........Hope you all are enjoying this weekend. I wanted to show all my readers about the lipstick shade I like the best.
So here i am and enjoy this review ladies.
I love using CHAMBOR products....especially cosmetics.This is one of my favorite shades. As you all can see that its shade is a light brownish one and absolutely the one which suits me.
SHADE: Brown
WEIGHT: 4.5g
COST:Rs 425
BRAND: Chambor
- Firstly it matches with all dress colors and secondly it even contains moisture which gives your lips a slight glossy look.
- It does not shine too much and gives a natural look to the lips.
- So come on, try it on.
Do tell me about your favorite shades, ladies.......